lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Touristic Places from El Salvador.


It is a place of abundant nature and beautiful scenery, with a mountain hotel, from there you can breathe the pure air of nature, has a terrace with a breathtaking view of the volcano of Izalco. 

                                                       COSTA DEL SOL BEACH.


It has evolved into one of the main attractions of the country for its beautiful beach and the comfort of the hotel infrastructure, very close to El Salvador International Airport and an hour's drive from the capital

                                                                JOYA DE CEREN.

It has been designated Heritage Site, since it is the only pre-Columbian ruin where you can appreciate the lifestyle of the inhabitants of that period of histo


tourist attraction sites have Suchitlan Lake (which is an artificial lake) and Bird Island, The Thirds: stone formation, the archaeological remains of the canton The Bermuda (first Spanish settlement in El Salvador).
ry, as other Indian ruins were ceremonial centers.

                                                                    El PITAL.

With a height of 2730 meters is the highest point in El Salvador, where you can make many outdoor activities, including: birding, orchids, climbing, mountain bike or just enjoy the views that we have from there, Therefore we can see volcanoes in the eastern and central regions, in addition to the city of New Ocotepeque in the sister republic of Honduras.


It is one of the cities that make up the Ruta de las Flores, 16 km NW. the city of Sonsonate and 1040 m ASL.

Its famous celebrations in honor of the Black Christ, held from 8 to 15 January.


It is a beautiful volcano located between the departments of San Salvador and La Libertad. Seen from the Salvadoran capital presents two distinct masses separated by a narrow and deep gorge OR. The highest pyramid-shaped, at 1950 mts. 



Reputed to be one of the oldest ceramic craft centers in El Salvador and Central America. It is said that this activity originates in the 1700's and has managed to keep up this time. 

                                                                LAKE COATEPEQUE.

Volcanic lake located 18 km south of the city of Santa Ana, 740 meters high and with an area of ​​24 square kms. Its major accidents are the two small peninsulas denominated "eyeglasses" and the island of the hill where the Pipil Indians had a temple and a representative of the goddess monolith Itzcueye.

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